Oliver Thomas

C++ Programmer

Page 2 of 2 for Oliver Thomas | C++ Programmer

6DOF Navmesh Week 2 - Navmesh Modifiers and Testing

Week two of my 6DOF navmesh project has concluded, and I am very excited about my progress! This week, I was finally able to see my work in action.

6DOF Navmesh Week 1 - Navmesh Generation

I have successfully completed my first week of work on the 6DOF navmesh project! I am pleased to share that I have accomplished all the objectives outlined in my week one schedule, as well as some supplementary research. This involved generating the navmesh and subdividing it into octrees as necessary.

6DOF Navmesh Week 0 - Initial Planning

Hello, and welcome to my blog! Over the next eleven weeks, I will be utilizing this space to share development diaries about my upcoming project: a 6DOF navmesh for the Unreal Engine.